KC Sinha Mathematics Solution Class 9 Chapter 4 Algebraic identities exercise 4.1

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Exercise 4.1

Q1 | Ex-4.1 | Class 9 |Algebraic Identities | KC SINHA Mathematics | myhelper

Type 1

Question 1

Using suitable identities, f‌ind the following products :
(i) (x+3)(x+3)
Sol :
Here we use identity
a=3 , b=3

(ii) (x-3)(x+5)
Sol :
Using identity:
a=-3 , b=5

(iii) (5x+2)(5x-3)
Using identity:
replace x=5x , a=2 , b=-3

(iv) $\left(y^2-\dfrac{5}{2}\right)\left(y^2+\dfrac{7}{2}\right)$
Sol :
Using identity :
Replace x=y2 , $a=-\dfrac{5}{2},b=\dfrac{7}{2}$

(v) (2x-1)(2x+5)
Sol :
Using identity :
Replace x=2x , a=-1 ,b=5

(vi) (5+2x)(5-2x)
Sol :
Using identity :
Replace a=5 ,b=2x

(vii) $\left(y-\dfrac{x}{10}\right)\left(y+\dfrac{x}{10}\right)$
Using identity :
Replace $a=y ,b=\dfrac{x}{10}$

(viii) $\left(x+\dfrac{3}{5}\right)\left(x-\dfrac{3}{5}\right)$
Sol :
Using identity :
Replace $a=x ,b=\dfrac{3}{5}$

Q2 | Ex-4.1 | Class 9 |Algebraic Identities | KC SINHA Mathematics | myhelper

Question 2

Find the following product without multiplying directly :
(i) 105×106
Sol :
Hence , we can express 105 and 106 in terms of 105.5 as follows
Using identity :
Replace a=105.5 ,b=0.5

(ii) 103×98
Sol :
Hence , we can express 103 and 98 in terms of 100.5 as follows
Using identity :
Replace a=100.5 ,b=2.5

(iii) 97×98
Sol :
Hence , we can express 97 and 98 in terms of 97.5 as follows
Using identity :
Replace a=97.5 ,b=0.5

Type 2

Q3 | Ex-4.1 | Class 9 |Algebraic Identities | KC SINHA Mathematics | myhelper

Question 3

Write the following in expanded form :
(i) (3a+4b+5c)2
Sol :
Using identity :
Replace a=3a,b=4b ,c=5c

(ii) (4a-2b-3c)2
Sol :
Using identity :
Replace a=4a,b=-2b,c=-3c

(iii) (2x-y+z)2
Sol :
Using identity :
Replace a=2x,b=-y,c=-z

(iv) (2x+3y+z)2
Sol :
Using identity :
Replace a=2x,b=3y,c=z

(v) $\left(\dfrac{a}{3}-\dfrac{b}{2}+2\right)^2$
Sol :
Using identity :
Replace $a=\dfrac{a}{3},b=-\dfrac{b}{2},c=2$

(vi) (-2x+5y-3z)2
Sol :
Using identity :
Replace a=-2x, b=5y, c=-3z

Q4 | Ex-4.1 | Class 9 |Algebraic Identities | KC SINHA Mathematics | myhelper

Question 4

Write the following cubes in the expanded form :
(i) (3a+4b)3
Sol :
Using identity:
Replace x=3a , y=4b

(ii) (5p-3q)3
Sol :
Using identity:
Replace x=5p , y=3q

(iii) $\left(3p-\dfrac{1}{6}\right)^3$
Sol :
Using identity:
Replace x=3p , $y=\dfrac{1}{6}$

(iv) (4a-3b)3
Sol :
Using identity:
Replace x=3p , $y=\dfrac{1}{6}$

Q5 | Ex-4.1 | Class 9 |Algebraic Identities | KC SINHA Mathematics | myhelper

Question 5

Using suitable identities, evaluate each of the following :
(i) (104)3
Sol :
Using identity:
Replace x=100 , y=4

(ii) (999)3
Sol :
Using identity:
Replace x=1000 , y=1

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