KC Sinha Mathematics Solution Class 11 Chapter 15 Combinations Exercise 15.3

 Exercise 15.3

Page no - 15.32 

Question 1

How many words can be formed out of 10 consonants and 4 vowels, such that each contains 3 consonants and 2 vowels ?

Question 2

(i) How many words each of 3 vowels and 2 consonants can be formed from the letters of the word INVOLUTE ?
(ii) How many words with or without meaning each of 2 vowels and 3 consonants can be formed from the letters of the word DAUGHTER?

Question 3

A table has 7 seats, 4 being on one side facing the window and three being on the opposite side. In how many ways can seven people be seated at the table if 3 people $X, Y$ and $Z$ must sit on the side facing the window ?

Question 4

A tea  party is arranged for 16 people along tow sides of a long table with 8 chairs are numbered 1 to 8 . Two women and three men wish to sit on one particular side and two on the other side. In how many ways can they be seated?

Question 5

Eight chairs are numbered t1 to 8. Two women and three men wish to occupy on chair each . First tow women choose the chairs from amongst the chairs marked 1 to 4 and then the men select the chairs from amongst the remaining find the number of possible arrangement . 

Question 6

A team of 8 players is to be chosen from a group of 12 players. One of the 8 is then to be elected as captain and another as vice-captain. In how many ways can the team be chosen ?

Question 7

How many 3-letter words can be made using the letters of the word ORIENTAL?

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